You are invited to participate in this special election for delegate. All ballots must be submitted by noon, April 28 to be valid. March 5 is the date of record for this special election (eligible voters who are active members as of March 5).
Details on the responsibilities:
Per AARC Bylaws, the duties of the delegate are as follows:
- Attend all meetings of the House of Delegates and report the activities to the respective Chartered Affiliate.
- Attend the Annual Business Meeting of the Association as the representative of the Active Members of the Association within their respective Chartered Affiliate.
- Furnish the Elections Committee with the names of qualified members for nomination as Director-at-Large.
- At the direction of their respective Chartered Affiliate, present proposed amendments to the Bylaws Committee.
- Perform such other duties of office as may be necessary or required.
​Please make sure that you have filled in your active AARC membership number and last name. If your name has changed recently, use the last name that is on file with your AARC membership. If you receive an error message but your information is accurate then email Josh Escudero, Chair of the Nominations and Elections Committee with subject line: “NYSSRC Delegate Election.”