Academic Advancement Summary Update – May 2022

The NYSSRC Ad Hoc Committee for Academic Advancement of the Respiratory Care Profession in NY State continues their efforts towards advancing the academic standard to entry-level BS in RT in NY State. Recent activities include.

On June 23, 2021, team members from the NYSSRC Ad Hoc Committee for Academic Advancement of the Respiratory Care Profession in NY State (Stephen Smith, Lisa Endee, Chris Slocum, Felix Khusid, Katherine Herlihy (Legal Advisor to the NYSSRC), and Tom Harvie) met with Mohawk Valley Community College Administrators (John Ringlehan, RC Program Director, Michael Brown, Director of Clinical Education, and Melissa Copperwheat, Dean, MVCC School of Health Sciences) to discuss the NYSSRC initiative and address questions related to the bill and its eventual implementation.

On July 20, 2021, a NYSSRC Mini-Summit for the Academic Advancement of the
Respiratory Care Profession in NYS was held to update all stakeholders on the NY State initiative and legislation for the Academic Advancement of the Respiratory Care
Profession in NY State. Stephen G. Smith, MPA, RT, RRT, FAARC, Chair, Ad Hoc
Committee & Lisa M. Endee, MPH, RRT-SDS, RPSGT, Secretary, provided updates on the initiative as well as the Results of the NYSSRC Survey of Educational Programs.

From September 2021 through February 2022, team members held various meetings with legislators to gain support.

At Albany Teaching Day, on March 4, 2022, Stephen G. Smith, MPA, RT, RRT,
FAARC, presented an “An Update on the Academic Advancement of the Respiratory
Care Profession in New York State.”

At Albany Teaching Day, on March 4, 2022, Lisa Endee, MPH, RT, RRT-SDS, RPSGT, Tom Harvie, RT, RRT, CPFT, Christine Slocum, BSRC, RT, RRT, RPFT, AE-C & Stephen G. Smith, MPA, RT, RRT, FAARC, participated in a Roundtable Discussion: Academic Advancement of the Respiratory Care Profession in New York State.

From March 2022 through April 2022, team meetings were held to make revisions to
the language of the bill.

From March 2022 through April 2022, the team held meetings with Assemblywoman
Glick, Chair of Higher Education Committee in the Assembly, Assemblyman Magnarelli, District 129, and Senator Gounardes, 26th Senate District to gain support for the revisions.

From April 2022 through May 2022, the team held various team meetings to discuss next steps, answer questions about the bill, and update justification for advancement to BS in RT.

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