Academic Advancement Summary Update – April 2021

The NYSSRC Ad Hoc Committee for Academic Advancement of the Respiratory Care Profession in NY State continues their efforts towards advancing the academic standard to entry-level BS in RT in NY State.

Recent activities include finalizing the language of the legislative bill; meeting with NYSED, Senator Gounardes (Brooklyn, NY), Assemblymen Magnarelli (Syracuse, NY), and Deborah Glick’s Chief of Staff (Chair of Higher Ed).

The bill was introduced into both houses: Senate Bill Number S-5925, Assembly Bill A-1358 and the committee is now working on building support for the legislation.

The Committee also decided to combine Task Force Committees 2 and 3 (TFC2A) to facilitate better efforts towards pathways and partnerships between AS and BS programs.

In addition, the Committee sent out a survey of educational programs to better direct their next efforts towards the initiative (survey included following report).

A mini-Summit will be planned for July/August to continue to move the initiative forward.

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