Academic Advancement Summary Update – Feb 2020

On November 21, 2019, the NYSSRC held a Respiratory Care Summit at the Borough of
Manhattan Community College to discuss the NYSSRC initiative of pursuing a BS in RT.
Members from both the academic and management communities attended the summit.
The summit was extremely well attended and there was robust discussion on how to move
forward regarding this initiative. It was decided, by consensus, that an ad hoc committee
should be convened to continue with the discussion and to address the charges that were
approved at the Summit meeting. The charges are as follows:

  • A BS in RT in seven (7) years. This is understood to mean that once the bill is signed into law that in seven (7) years licensure will require the completion of a Bachelor’s Degree in Respiratory Care.
  • To practice in New York State a respiratory therapist must obtain a license from the New York State Education Department in Respiratory Therapy (RT). The RTT will no longer be accepted for licensure.

It was decided at the conclusion of the summit that an ad hoc committee would be convened to begin planning for this important statewide initiative. Lisa Shultis, Respiratory Care Program Director at Long Island University, and Stephen G. Smith, NYSSRC Board member NYSSRC and HOD Member, New York State Representative to the AARC House of Delegates had agreed to Co-Chair this committee and Lisa Endee, NYSSRC Board Member and Long Island Regional Director, volunteered to act as secretary of this committee.

The name of this committee is as follows: Ad Hoc Committee for the Academic Advancement of the Respiratory Care Profession in NYS.

The first ad hoc committee meeting was held on Thursday, February 6th, 2020 from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM.

After reviewing the report that the NYSSRC received from Lynda T. Goodfellow, EdD, RRT, AE-C, FAARC, the AARC representative at the November Summit, it was decided that there would be 3 very important tasks that this committee should undertake coinciding with the committee’s charges.

These tasks are as follows:

  • writing the bill
  • addressing barriers and solutions
  • developing pathway agreements

To address these tasks, three (3) Task Force Committees will be formed. Below are the
names of these committees, their respected duties and responsibilities, and their assigned facilitator.

The Task Force Committees and their duties and responsibilities are as follows:

Task Report Committee 1: Writing the Bill

Facilitator: Stephen Smith

This task committee will draft the narrative on legislation for the BS as entry level for
practice in Respiratory Therapy in New York State. This committee will work with state
attorneys to create, finalize, and submit the necessary documentation to the state board for approval. This committee will review current legislation and revise entry into practice from AS/AAS to BS and licensure advancement to RT only

Task Report Committee 2: Barriers and Solutions

Facilitator: Lisa Endee

This task committee will discuss and document all barriers to the proposed legislation and provide possible solutions to each. All stakeholders and communities of interest will be addressed in a “do no harm” perspective.

Task Report Committee 3: Comparison of Programs within NYS + Articulation Agreements

Facilitator: Lisa Shultis

This task committee will create side-by-side comparisons of AS/AAS to BS programs within NYS. Using these course comparisons, articulation agreements will be formed for a 2+2, 1+2+1, or other type of agreement between Bachelor’s and Associate degree programs in preparation of the changing legislation.

Note: Attached to this report is the summary submitted to the NYSSRC from Lynda Goodfellow. The ad hoc committee will continue to provide updates to the board as needed. The next meeting for the ad hoc committee will be Friday, April 3, 2020. At this meeting the Task Force Facilitators will report on each of their committee’s progress.

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